3 Mindfulness Practices that Change How We Relate to Money

When we're facing financial challenges, our thoughts often amplify our anxiety. With almost every challenge, the thoughts about the challenge cause more stress than the challenge itself.

Here are three practices to lessen our anxiety so that we can take wise action.

1. Take on a gratitude practice

Take a moment and write down three things you already have that you're thankful for, and three things that happened yesterday or today that brought joy. Do this each day for this week. When we appreciate what we have, our negative thoughts about any financial problem become quieter.

2. Let fear enter and exit your body

Sit quietly and inhale, and imagine fear entering your body. Then as you exhale, imagine something positive flowing out to your friends and family. I often breathe in the fear of scarcity and breathe out a sense of abundance. Try this for 1-3 minutes each day this week, and you might start noticing that the fear transforms into confidence.

3. Embrace how much bigger your self-worth is than your net worth

Reflect for a minute on the difference between your net worth and self-worth. Your self-worth is way beyond your net worth; it includes your earning potential, your skills, your health, and the value of all the ways you help others and make a difference. There will never be another person with your set of gifts – so share your gifts frequently! Who you are is infinitely more valuable than what you have.

You can lower financial stress with just these three mindful practices. You don’t need to change your outer life, or earn/save more money, or even become a better version of yourself – you just need to give yourself a few minutes a day.



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