Finland’s Secret to Happiness: Enoughness

What promotes contentment, gratitude, and balance… and is absolutely free?

It’s the mindset of ‘enoughness’—something available to anyone, anywhere in the world. 

It’s also the reason that Finland has been named the
world’s happiest country for six years in a row by the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Solutions Network in its World Happiness Report. Over the past two decades, this report—which gauges the health of national economies not simply by gross output but by the contentment and well-being of its citizens—has continued to gain traction among global economists. 

Which leads to the question: why does Finland, a country known principally for Arctic temperatures and
unique cuisine, seem to hold the secret to happiness?

It comes down to a single word: enough.

In Finland, ‘enoughness’ is ingrained in the culture, and considered part of the reason for their success as a nation. This approach is evident in their social policies, education system, and even in their relationship with nature. Finnish people believe that having "enough" is better than having excess, as it brings peace and happiness.

At its heart, the Finnish secret of "enoughness" emphasizes the idea of contentment with what one has, rather than constantly striving for more.

Being content with what we have leads to greater satisfaction and happiness, not to mention reduced stress, better relationships, and greater financial stability. 

Enoughness and Financial Strain

Constantly striving for more can have negative effects on a person's mental, physical, and emotional well-being, all which can easily lead to…

  • Financial strain: Striving for more can lead to overspending and debt, which can cause financial stress and hardship.
  • Stress and burnout: Constantly pushing oneself to achieve more can lead to chronic stress, which can cause physical and mental exhaustion, anxiety, and depression.
  • Lack of appreciation for what one already has: If one is always striving for more, they may not take the time to appreciate what they already have.
  • Damaged relationships: Striving for more can lead us to be overly focused on material goals, which can lead us to neglect relationships with friends and family.
  • A never-ending cycle: There will always be something else to strive for, which can keep us in a perpetual cycle of dissatisfaction.

Financial strain intensifies other negative effects. This creates additional problems such as overspending because when someone is constantly striving for more, they may spend more to keep up with others. This can easily lead to increased debt, and an attraction to high-risk investments or ill-advised business ventures. In that respect, reaching for more can sometimes make us poorer. 

Of course, striving for more can have positive aspects. It can encourage people to create, invent, discover, and change. But, while it’s important to have goals and aspirations and reach for them, excess striving without taking the time to appreciate and enjoy what one already has, can lead to stress and burnout. When this happens, material wealth can become a burden – a stressful life is not necessarily a rich one. 

By encouraging people to find contentment with what they have, the Finnish concept of "enoughness" can result in a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Inner Enoughness

In Finland, embracing the concept of enough extends beyond the material world and into the realm of inner wealth. 

For example, for Finns, "enoughness" is closely tied to their concept of "
sisu", which is a type of mental toughness that enables individuals to persevere through difficult situations. This resilience enables them to face challenges and come out stronger on the other side. Enoughness is part of the foundation for happiness, even if that happiness comes through overcoming a challenge of some sort. 

Knowing we are, do, and have enough is the fastest way to start living a
wealthier life. 

Enoughness in Nature

If you’re having trouble tapping into a sense of enough, you can always start with the world around you. 

In Finland, "enoughness" also extends to the people’s relationship with nature. They believe in using only what is necessary and leaving the rest for future generations. Today, Finland is known for its vast forests and clean lakes, and the Finnish people maintain a deep respect for the environment, which preserves riches for future generations. 

What might happen if we start to value simplicity instead of excess? On both the personal and the global level? What might happen if we stop unnecessary striving, wasteful spending, and comparing ourselves to others?

The Finnish secret of “enoughness" is an incredible way to focus on what truly matters in life and find happiness and abundance in the present moment. 

To learn more about how enoughness can improve your finances, check out
Fearless Finance University

It’s a revolutionary approach to building wealth that combines practical money actions with techniques to help you manage your money emotions. 

Both you and your wallet will be glad you gave it a try!



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